This year's climate must have favoured the buffaloberries, and if you are alongside rivers or roadsides in the park, the fruit is so abundant that you can see the red among the foliage. When you get up close, the bushes are just stacked with berries.
I sleuthed around online and found a 2007 PhD thesis about buffaloberries, by University of Saskatchewan student Richard Green. Here's the skinny on what's in a buffaloberry:
Ripe buffaloberries, August, 2016 |
- 75.1% moisture
- 1.4% protein
- 0.5% lipid
- 4% dietary fibre.
- 6.4% glucose
- 3.7% fructose
It's those final two ingredients that turn our skinny bears into fat bears. Come September, we expect to see some pretty fat bears!
If you find a patch of buffaloberries, keep your eyes open for bears, and happy trails.